Thursday, September 8, 2011

Berserker Half-Regiment Painted!

One of the bonuses of choosing the more expensive Abyssal Dwarf army over the Undead army was that I already had some models I could use for Abyssal Dwarf units, and one of those units was the Dwarf Berserkers Boxset from Avatars of War.

This is an amazing boxset, absolutely superb - and very well priced.
Where to begin - there are so many bits and pieces that really allow you to fully customise your models - nose chains, trinkets, orc heads, mugs of ale to name a few.
What I found to be the coolest part was that the hands are attached directly to the weapons, and the arms are separate pieces - allowing the 'wrist' to turn and allow for a wide array of poses.

I haven't decided on basing for the army yet, so for now here are the painted models. For fun I thought I'd try some light conversion work, and made two of the models into likenesses of characters from the Gotrek and Felix series.

Click to enlarge

Abyssal Gotrek Gurnisson (minus eyepatch)
Abyssal Snorri Nosebiter

So that's my first Abyssal Dwarf Berserker Half-Regiment painted, I'll post the other Half-Regiment next!
Sync out.

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